Metal Engraving
Building and Engraving Saddle Silver

This course will cover the fabrication and embellishment of the most popular items of saddle silver. Students will make a small buckle, horn cap, and a typical saddle concho customized with their own brand/initials. This class will be full of sawing, soldering, forming, polishing, and engraving. Through the fabrication process and introduction to tooling, students will be able to take the knowledge gained in class and continue to make saddle silver at home. Students should have a firm understanding of basic graver sharpening and basic bright cut techniques.

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Course Info

Jeremiah Watt
2024 Date(s)
Metal Engraving
Skill Level
Intro Intermediate
Enrollment Type
Open, see prerequisites


  • Important details to consider when building a set of saddle silver
  • Discussion of items most ordered for or by saddle makers
  • Fabrication of horn cap, small buckle and typical saddle concho
  • Discussion of proper tooling
  • Methods of attaching saddle silver to the saddle
  • Proper sawing methods
  • Soldering and forming
  • Polish and cleanup
  • Decorative engraving on class projects
  • Implementing personalized details through the means of brands or initials

Class Project(s)

Small buckle


Completion of a GRS Basic Course or instructor approval is required, as well as an understanding of proper tool sharpening and basic engraving techniques.

Graver Sharpening Knowledge:
Understanding of sharpening common v-gravers and flats

Cancellation/Transfer Policy

We reserve your seat upon receipt of course deposit. To transfer or cancel your reservation, notify GRS at least 30 days before the class start date to transfer deposit or receive a refund, less $50. Deposits are not transferrable or refundable less than 30 days before the course start date. If you have any questions about this information, please do not hesitate to call us! We would be glad to help you. Call 800-835-3519, Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM.

Please note: Course information subject to change without notice. Example images may not show exact techniques, methods, designs, etc., taught or demonstrated in course.

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